Featured Posts

Featured posts are the posts I feel are the most important posts to read.

The Story of Stuff (Video)

“From its extraction through sale, use and disposal, all the stuff in our lives affects communities at home and abroad, yet most of this is hidden from view. The Story of Stuff is a 20-minute, fast-paced, fact-filled look at the underside of our production and consumption patterns. The Story of Stuff exposes the connections between a huge number of environmental and social issues, and calls us together to create a more sustainable and just world. It’ll teach you something, it’ll make you laugh, and it just may change the way you look at all the stuff in your life forever.”

I have posted the Story of Electronics and the Story of Cosmetics, well here is the original of the series which focuses more on a general nature of the overwhelming amount of stuff we use in our everyday lives.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr – Inspirational Defender of the Environment (Video)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr

When I first heard Robert F. Kennedy Jr speak at Idea City in 2004 I was immediately inspired. He speaks about topics that are very near and dear to my heart; the environment, health, politics, media and of course how they interconnect. I was very impressed with his sincerity and the way he framed and […]

Too Much Corn: How Corn is Undermining Your Health

Aerial of Irrigation Sprinkler in Corn Field

You might not be aware of this, but on average, we inadvertently consume over 700 kg (1540 lbs) of corn a year, per person. Sounds crazy doesn’t it. The number blew me away too. I knew corn had permeated it’s way into most processed ‘foods’, but 1500 lbs – that’s over 4 pounds a day! […]

Economy vs Nature, The Smackdown

Environment vs Money

Where did it all go wrong? When did we, as a society, decide the economy trumps all, including the very environment that makes human life, and in-turn our ‘benevolent’ system of trade possible? Was it a gradual shift or did it happen overnight? In either case here we are. I think Bill McKibben, the author […]

OK. Enough With The Bottled Water Already

Klean Kanteen

We need to break our insatiable appetite for bottled water. The U.S. guzzled back almost 50 billion bottles of it last year, up from just over 3 billion in 1997. That’s over 1500 bottles every second of every minute of every hour of every day. Think about it … these are just numbers for the […]

It’s Almost ‘The End of The Line’ For Seafood


Never ending supply of fish? Think again.

… Overfishing was recognized as one of the world’s greatest and most immediate environmental problems in 2002, when it was first demonstrated that global catches of wild fish had peaked around 1989 and have since been in decline …

Overfishing. It’s one of those issues we hear about but don’t quite understand. It seems like every time I go to a restaurant or to a supermarket they have seafood available. When I go to the St Lawrence Market in Toronto the place is packed with seafood. So what gives? Well the truth is we as humans are superb fisherman with advanced fishing techniques and have worked diligently to eradicate the planet of marine life.

Ok. That was bit of a stretch. I don’t believe our goal is to eradicate all life in the oceans, but we are doing it just the same. We have all heard of the collapse of the Atlantic Cod fisheries in the North Atlantic in the 1990’s. Tragic yes. And now as we are moving into 2011, almost 20 years after the moratorium on cod, the fishery has not recovered. They are now predicting total extinction of this species in the not too distant future. Crazy considering the fish in this area were so abundant at the turn of the 20th century you could catch them with your bare hands. Literally.

The sad truth is this fishery is not the only casualty in the battle between man and the oceans, countless other species are being decimated at unsustainable rates…..sea bass,  grouper,  haddock,  halibut,  marlin,  blue-fin tuna,  salmon, sharks,  sturgeon, shrimp, lobster…. just to name a few. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization reports that 70% of marine fish species are on the brink of collapse due to overfishing. Now don’t be fooled by the promise of fish farming, it is not a viable solution and farmed fish should be on your AVOID list. Fish farming not only introduces diseases to the fish and surrounding waterways due to overcrowding, but also introduces loads of antibiotics to control these diseases. Couple that with the fact it takes roughly 2-3lbs of smaller fish used as food to produce 1lbs of farmed fish and you can see right way this is not a sustainable practice.

What can you do?

So the first and most important thing you can do is to pay attention to what seafood you are eating and always ask where it is from, the exact species, and whether it is wild or farmed. To help you, here is a list of fish to consume and fish to avoid:

View The Seafood Selector

And of course read more, educate others and definitely try and watch the documentary “The End of the Line”. Here is the trailer for it: