Klean Kanteen

Is this an intelligent use of resources for 1 liter of water?

Water Bottle Energy Use

“It takes a quarter of a liter of oil and 3 liters of water to deliver 1 liter of bottled water. This is an intelligent use of the human ability to reason, right?” http://unbottledwater.blogspot.ca/ I wrote a post before on this subject; OK, Enough with the bottled water already, this is just a quick addendum […]

OK. Enough With The Bottled Water Already

Klean Kanteen

We need to break our insatiable appetite for bottled water. The U.S. guzzled back almost 50 billion bottles of it last year, up from just over 3 billion in 1997. That’s over 1500 bottles every second of every minute of every hour of every day. Think about it … these are just numbers for the […]