Pick Your Poison, Tobacco vs Fast Food

An interesting take mirroring societies reaction and regulation of big tobacco with the fast food industry, which, sadly, seems to be causing more harm to western civilization than tobacco ever did.

Think about the people who tell you to buy their products. Many Americans grew up watching Ronald McDonald saying that Chicken McNuggets were just about the greatest food ever conceived. The Trix Rabbit’s countless failed attempts to get a bowl of our cereal made us cherish each sugary bite. Now think about those old commercials from the 1950s, when Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble light up a Chesterfield in the backyard or Lucille Ball makes Ricky happy by handing him a Phillip Morris cigarette. Why does one seem innocent and the other strangely evil? Imagine for a moment if history had played out differently, if respective epidemics were sensationalized at opposite times and a generation of Americans grew up with an alternative version of the demonized Big Tobacco industry.

Read the full article by Demian Kendall at SpliceToday.com.